Saturday, July 31, 2010

House Blessing

A friend asked me to bless his apartment. I was traveling without my tools but said, "What the heck, sure". So as I tuned into the apartment, I knew I had to start outside. Standing in the hallway I began to prepare myself with breath. I have done toning before but this was different. It was like a deep gutter growling that came with each exhale. I would breath the blessing into the space opening a space for peace and coming abundance. I leaned into the door breathing the blessing as if to open a space like a gateway for the infusion of new energy to flow into the place through the entrance. I was granted entrance to the home. As I stepped inside I knew this blessing would be different. Normally, I would move through a home counter clockwise clearing space. But this was an infusion of new energy and an extraction of the negative for complete transmutation. I stood looking into the main space, breathing deeply with deep tones. If my memory serves, it was like three deep guttural breaths before the infusion blessing breaths would come. The blessing would have a light soft tone. If it were like swimming through air…I would breathe in and out the dark muddy thick murk and then gently caressing crystal waters. Interesting to me was the poses my body took. As I moved through the room, I moved from the front door to the window, one step at a time with pointed toe, alternating from standing on one foot with arms raised to stepping with pointed toe again. As I approached the window, I breathed out with growing breath tongue out. Then the words for the blessing came. As I blessed the second half of the home the positions and movements of breath were the same.

I was thankful I had locked the door so as not to be interrupted for I found the blessing strange enough. I can’t imagine how I would have felt being observed. It was definitely one of the strangest house blessings I have ever facilitated.

I am curious what energies assisted in the blessing. The poses made me wish that I hadn’t quit yoga. They felt Asian or Indian. The heritage of the previous apartment occupant is Pakistani and my friend is of Indian descent but hold no particular religious views. I am curious if the energies were pulled from the Muslim Pakistani or my friend’s heritage. As always, as I learn the more questions I wish could be answered.

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